We arrived home safely last night from our week in Hong Kong. And what a week it was! We packed every day really full of fun things (occasionally those fun things included a long nap or an early bedtime!) and had a wonderful time together. The girls' health improved quickly and we were able to do all that we hoped to do, and more! I thought I'd summarize our trip with a few numbers (more specific posts with pictures to follow!). Play along with me . . .
6:30 The time by which Christin was awake each morning. We shared one bedroom with all of us, so her calls of "Mama, Mama" were pretty hard to ignore. Unless you're John, and can sleep through anything. So, it was early mornings for us!
19 The floor we stayed on. Hooray for elevators! What a wonderful invention!
99 The number of high-rise apartment buildings (or so I've been told) in the apartment complex where we stayed. It is a large (and somewhat confusing) arrangement of buildings and shops!
12 The number of packages of blueberries that our family consumed in the first five days! We found them cheaper there in HK than at our home!
35,000 Disneyland's target goal for visitors each day. I think they got pretty close the day we were there...it was BUSY! On a Monday!
3 Number of ferry boat rides that we took. The girls loved it, especially when watching the sailors throw the rope to the pier and seeing how that brought the boat near the dock. I found the sharp creaking of the rope a little alarming!
500+ Pictures taken, many of them in the same location at the same time, just hoping for a good shot of the girls. We definitely succeeded, but now I have to sort through all of the "not-as-good" ones and delete them. It was fun to use our new camera so much!
5 The number of times I made it to Starbucks. You knew that had to make it on the list, right? I like to be unpredictable at Starbucks. My drinks ranged from the classic caramel macchiato to an iced decaf americano to an espresso con panna to a caramel frappucino. The girls love to "share" my drink and though Clara Anne and Chloe weren't into the americano, Christin drank it like a seasoned veteran! There's no sugar and no milk in that, folks! She's crazy!
??? Number of hours I carried Christin in the Ergo, number of times we took the subway, and number of calories consumed! I certainly wasn't keeping track of those things!
It really was a wonderful trip. We kept busy but enjoyed returning to our flat each evening to have some down time, play games, watch movies, etc. We hit all of my favorite restaurants--Nomad's, Amaroni's Little Italy, and the Outback. We drank tons of water and sweated it all out every day! And now. . . we're enjoying being home. Everyone took long naps today (except for John, he's back at the office--work didn't stop while he was gone so now he's playing catch-up!) and thanks to my helper, my house was spic and span with food in the frig, yogurt stocked up and all the laundry done when we returned. What a blessing! After a long day of travel, it was so refreshing to come home to that!
So, stay tuned for pictures! There's lots to share!