Saturday, May 07, 2011

Progress Report

Hello everybody!  It's Friday afternoon and I am about to lose my internet access as Mark will be heading home today, and taking his laptop.  So I thought I'd post a quick update on my mom, who is doing pretty well, all things considered. 

Praises at this point:  Mom seems to have more strength and energy today.  Her color is better, she has sat in a chair for about 30 minutes, has walked a few steps, and is now able to use the bathroom with help.  Those are all good things and show progress.  We are still so thankful for good care for her and the ability for me to stay with her overnight.  We've also had some great times of fellowship as a family that have been precious.

Please pray: that the incision would continue to heal.  We're taking baby steps at this point, trying to get her up on her feet and helping to just make her comfortable despite the 30-40 staples that are holding together her abdomen.  Pray for quick healing as well as no infection.  It's still quite the process to get her out of bed, to even get her turned in bed can take some time.  Dr. Rojas is pleased with her progress and assured her that he won't "kick her out" of the hospital too soon, so that's good.  Pray also for us to all continue to seek the Lord and keep a cheerful attitude.  I've been so glad to "play nurse" and try to make Mom more comfortable.  As well, we are still hopeful that the tumor did not have any cancer in it.  Pray for this too!

Thanks so much for praying!  I could say more but it's time for me to wrap it up.  So thankful for you all...the body of Christ. We'll continue to call out to the throne of grace together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOu might be able to get some computer access if you ask the nurses. They are usually pretty accomodating. Glad to hear your mom is headed in the right direction. We will continue to lift you all up.
Rebecca VE