Monday, February 23, 2009

A Unique Opportunity

In my last post, I shared how there aren't so many "typical" days in our house; well, it was true more quickly than I thought! This week I have a unique opportunity that I am excited to share with you all about!

A few months ago, my helper talked with me about a friend of hers that lives in a nearby city. This friend is a young married woman, a bel*iever, and is expecting her first baby. For some time, this young woman had been seeking a mentor, someone who could teach her a bit about being a Chr mother and wife, as well as help her understand the role of wife and mother better. My helper, Lou, talked with me and wondered if we could set up some sort of "apprentice" time where this young woman could meet with me.

After talking through lots of options, we decided that this young mom and one of her good friends would come to "work" for me for a week or two--watch me interact with my husband and children, learn a bit about the way I manage the household, and hopefully have some time to talk through some things that she has more specific questions about. And . . . we start tomorrow!

It goes without saying that despite the fact that this woman sought me out, I feel very inadequate for the task. I don't feel worthy of being anyone's example, I know my own sin too well. But, Father seems to have tailor-made this opportunity, and I am excited about it!

In the past there were times where I struggled with feeling like I wasn't doing much for "the work" since I am 98% of the time home with my children. However, this feels like Father encouraging me in my primary responsibility of home-making and using this season of life, even with small children, for His glory!

And if the ladies that come tomorrow and the rest of this week learn anything, it will be by His grace. Clara Anne and Chloe have really been fighting a lot lately; not just getting upset at each other but physically pushing, shoving, poking, pinching, scratching, and generally being nasty to one another. I cannot tell you the number of times in the past week I have dealt with this issue! So I'm sure that the ladies will get a chance to see the good, the bad, and the ugly while they're here, and see that we are not perfect, but living in His grace like all believers.

If you think of me in this next week, think about this circumstance! I do desire to be used by Him and anticipate that interacting with these ladies will take a good bit of time each day. I also need to make sure that I don't neglect the girls just because we have semi-permanent guests in our home! The women will not be staying with us at night, but with my helper, so that should help a bit. I'm sure I'll need a break from speaking the local language, too, at the end of the week!

Thanks for pr*ing!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! This is SO exciting! I would fall victim to wanting everything to be perfect, but she's not looking for perfect. She's looking for what to do/how to react in real situations. Can I sign up for your next 2 week mentoring session? WOW. I'd love to be mentored by you!

Anonymous said...

Rachel - I am SO excited for you! I think that you will learn a lot over the next few weeks - but I totally understand your heart in wanting to be apart of things in your city, but are home so much. You know I am in the same place. I am just so excited that you have this opportunity! Be sure to let us know how it goes! I will pray that you have energy each day because I know how draining it can be at times to have people in your house all day - not to mention speaking even more Asianese all day long!
Love you!