Monday, October 27, 2008

Moments to Melt a Mother's Heart

It can be easy, as a mother, to only remember the stressful moments or the difficult moments at the end of the day. (When John comes in the door, and asks, "How were the girls today?" I have a bad tendency to tell him the bad stuff first!) But when something happens that just melts my heart, I've resolved to remember those moments and be thankful for my children in a new way. Recently I've had a few "melt-your-heart" moments with my girls in the past few days and just wanted to share! The first happened with Christin last Thursday morning. She was sitting on my bathroom rug, waiting for me to put in my contacts, brush my teeth, and finish getting ready for the day. She was happily occupying herself, and when I was ready to leave the room I held out my hands toward her, and for the first time she held up her arms by herself for me to pick her up! The innocence and trust in that simple action truly made my mother's heart melt! What a sweetheart!

I've been somewhat concerned about Christin's health--after that week where she had roseola, she seems to be struggling with another cough/cold and perhaps an ear infection. It is really common in babies, and perhaps more so in a baby who has a sister who is going to kindergarten every day, bringing home germs from who knows where. So I've been giving her some tylenol and getting lots of snuggle time. Her appetite has still been quite good, so that is a blessing. And this week she's been fairly happy as well as sleeping well, so I'm thankful for that, too. Last night she slept 11.5 hours straight, a new record for her! (Usually she goes around 10.5 to 11). She probably needs the extra sleep to help her get over her sickness.

That's where my moment with Clara Anne came in. Tonight we were finishing up supper and I was feeling so concerned for Christin, so I was trying to find more information online about ear infections. Clara said, "Why are you so sad, Mommy?" I told her that I was sad about Christin not feeling well and not sure what I could do to help her. Clara Anne slipped out of her chair, came up to me and gave me a big hug around my middle. "Don't worry, Mommy, Jesus can heal her!" Out of the mouths of babes!

Chloe also had a sweet moment late in the evening last week. We had a group of friends at our house, and when I put the girls to bed they were given strict instructions to go right to sleep and not play, fuss, ask to go to the bathroom again or anything else. But about 10 minutes after I had tucked them in their beds, I heard a voice from inside the room, and it sounded like singing. I went in to investigate, and asked, "Who is singing?" Chloe readily said, "Me!" I quickly reminded her that she needed to be quiet. Then she said in the sweetest voice, "Mommy, I sing Jesus!" (Whether she meant a song about Jesus or a song to Jesus, I don't know!) I couldn't resist that and so told her that then she had to sing so softly that I couldn't hear her outside the room. I certainly don't want to discourage her joyful spirit!

It is such a honor to be a mother, and a joy to see my girls growing and maturing. They are sweet gifts from God, and moments like these make me realize it anew!

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