Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A morning's work

Since the sick bugs have been making their way through our home, we haven't been sending our girls to their local preschool for the last week or so. It seems like one child after another (and then mommy) had the yuckies, so no need to spread that to our sweet friends at preschool! The girls haven't been too disappointed, they've been playing, staying in jammies until noon, and creating an impressive volume of artwork. After one morning last week where I was busy with other things (i.e. the girls were on their own) here is visible proof of their morning of hard work:Mediums used: paint, colored pencils, crayons, markers, and glitter glue (that I helped with!).

Number of pieces produced: 16

Pieces of paper used: Not exactly sure, there was more than 16!

Fun had: impossible to be measured!

My favorite picture is with orange paint on the blue paper. It was done by Clara, and in the picture she is holding a pumpkin and running and I am chasing her! When Clara Anne showed it to me she started giggling and I did too--oh, the funny things kids come up with sometimes!

Now. . . back to my real job, pumpkin chasing that is!

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