Sunday, June 28, 2009

What happened to this week?

Seriously, where did it go? Aaaaah, it was a busy one! Wowza. Here's the week in brief review:

Monday: Traveled to a nearby city to visit a friend. Had such a nice time that we stayed too late and missed our bus home. Thankfully the city was truly nearby and so we took a taxi all the way home! The girls passed out cold in the car on the way.

Tuesday: Did 6 loads of laundry. Had a friend over for lunch who had been living in central Asia the past year. Such a great conversation! Spent the afternoon shopping for an oven for a newly-arriving friend. Finally found one in a warehouse way on the other end of town, possibly the last oven in this city of 6 million! Took John's office manager out to eat Korean food for supper since she has put in lots of extra time lately.

Wednesday: Concocted a plan to have a big party for Chloe's birthday, all because we had a bunch of punches left on our card at our local swimming pool that were about to expire. Spent the day calling and inviting friends. 10 xiao pengyous (little friends) coming! Air conditioner broken, with temps over 100. Slept badly.

Thursday: Air conditioner drama. Everybody cranky and hot. We're a bunch of wimps! Temps hit 104! A leak in the bathroom meant we turned the water off. Had a good night of fellowship with girlfriends at a foot massage place. Stayed up talking late with John. Short night again.

Friday: More party plans. More air conditioner drama. More calls about fixing the pipe in the bathroom. Chloe's birthday! More coming on this in another post! Evening was spent helping some friends who had a medical emergency. At the hospital until 1 am, thankfully everything turned out well. Another short night.

Saturday: Air conditioner repairman arrived at 6:30 am! Hallelujah! Flying around getting ready for John's end-of-semester programs, the students' graduation. Went well, but no AC so it was HOT! Then, decorating cake! Getting ready for the party! Taking a two hour nap since I was not thinking straight! (9 hours of sleep in two days tends to do that to me!)

Today: FUN times with all the friends! We went swimming, then came back to our house for homemade pizza and birthday cake. It was great! Made some new friends! Visited our friend in the hospital this afternoon and now we're relaxing this evening. Whew, what a week!

This post was probably boring to everybody except my parents, so forgive me for the lack of thematic structure or excellent writing skills! I have hundreds of pictures, literally, from these past few days, so I will be working on getting them downloaded, edited, and posted. Chloe really had such a fun birthday celebration--stay tuned for pictures!


sandra said...

I am totally all over understanding this post! I seriously need to slow down.

Happy Birthday Chloe! Can't wait to see the fabulous pool party pics!

Kevin and Becky said...

My apologies for contributing to the two-day-nine-hour sleep ratio. But my greatest thanks for taking care of us at the hospital!