Wednesday, June 02, 2010

And some more...faces and places!

Hope you aren't tired of this little mini-series yet, but I've taken more than 2000 pictures since we've been in the States; so . . . lots more to share! These pictures date back from our time staying near Richmond, Virginia. (Some of you will recognize this location.) Can we just all thank the Lord together again for blue skies??!!

Silly girls!

Sweet Christin, had to do whatever Clara Anne and Chloe were doing.

We were delighted to find a hillside with three crosses (actually, we saw this on hillsides in numerous places around America! Always an encouragement!) and Clara Anne was the first one to "run to the cross" and embrace it. The picture at the top is my favorite of her.

Not to be outdone, Chloe and Christin joined in. (I'm quite sure Christin had no idea what she was doing!)

Can I also get an "amen" for green grass?! Shout it out!

A beautiful evening in a beautiful place with some of my favorite beautiful faces. Thank you, Lord!

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