Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back in Rock Valley!

Just a quick update tonight--Mom is now in our hometown hospital.  She is doing remarkably well, I'm sure in no small part thanks to your prayers!  She's feeling quite well, has been more and more smooth in getting up and down, has a bit more stamina, and has even eaten better today.  The doctor did switch her pain medication and it seems to be managing it better.  We also had a visit from her endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) who outlined a clearer plan for the future management of her blood sugars.  She's still sore and stiff, and somewhat weak, but all in all, very good progress.  We were able to check out of the hospital in Sioux Falls about 1pm and then we just took her in the car to the Rock Valley hospital.  It is GOOD to be here.

I will sleep at my parent's house tonight since Mom is doing so much better and I am in need of one good night of sleep before I travel again!  Tomorrow night will be more like a nap--I leave for the airport at 3:30 on Wednesday morning.  That quickly, my time here is wrapping up.  I'm so thankful for the Lord's timing in bringing me (even giving me a mini-retreat on the way here) before the surgery, allowing me to be here through the surgery and most of mom's recovery, and now I will have a day to visit Mom, stock her frig, do some cleaning at the house, and finish some other errands before I leave.  So thankful that He planned it all perfectly!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for praying for Mom.  Obviously, she isn't fully healed yet, but she feels like the Lord has given her another opportunity to live her life for Him.  She was prepared to die on Tuesday night, and now instead she has recovery ahead and NO chemo treatments to face.  Thank you for honoring the Lord by asking Him for this excellent answer to prayer, and all praise and glory to Him for preventing the cancer.  He is the author of Life and obviously has things He still wants her to do; it is beautiful to see her want to even more fully give herself to Him for whatever years she has remaining.

I feel like I have learned so much through this experience, and have lots of "deeper" thoughts percolating in my head, but they will have to wait for another day and another post--I'm ready for bed!  But for tonight, let's praise God for His wonderful works and trust Him for the future.  Amen?  Amen!

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