Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Proof is in the Pie

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I thought I would do a little "practice." As much as I like to cook and bake, pie has always been a bit of a mystery to me. Not the filling, of course, but the crust. Making flaky pastry successfully seems to me like the pinnacle of good baking. I have tried a few times, and though the results were edible, they did not attain to the level I had hoped. My Grandma Bruxvoort used to make it look so easy! She probably could roll out pie crust in her sleep. So I thought maybe there was hope for me--I just needed more practice.

To prep myself, I read the section on "Making Flaky Pastry" about four times in the Joy of Cooking. I decided to try a different method--a pat-in-the-pan pastry crust. Apparently this was supposed to be easier than a rolled crust, but it didn't pat like I wanted! My fluted crust was a bit sad looking. However, at left you can see my results: Chocolate Pecan Pie. I figured I couldn't go wrong with Pecans and Chocolate, no matter what the crust was like!

Well, there you have it; the pie-maker herself. This pie rated about a 7 on a scale of 1-10; next time I will underbake it slightly so it will have more of that gooey goodness that is so characteristic of pecan pie. I have to say though, it went really well with a cup of Decaf Verona Starbucks!

To look on the bright side, it's probably good that I'm not such a great pie maker. I don't need yet another way to eat dessert!

1 comment:

Angela & Matthew said...

Hi Rachel. Visit my blog sometime. Feel free to erase or delete this "comment" if you don't want a permanent link to my blog on your own blog since mine is very forward about our Father. Just wasn't sure.